

Foravo has set up avocado industry in H樂河ainan, Guangdong,友務 Yunnan and Beij在靜ing respectively, and carried out業事 projects including seedling r厭慢esearch , seedling breedin長吧g and greenhouse p些員lanting in the north acc都都ording to different regional chara視務cteristics. In South Africa, we討拍 set up overseas樹裡 nurseries, new varie訊湖ties introduction and proces也秒sing industry of 弟信oil and Guacamo音子le. In the US, we build a re算計source nursery, Expa站熱nded variety , fruitS import-export tra理聽de, R&D center. At the可和 same time planting promotion, planti說國ng cooperation and other businesses &nb商公sp;are ongoing in s畫風outheast Asia. Through the close c商暗ombination of domestic and foreign 場村markets, the layout of For中說avo in the global market is formed.


Phone:400-6159918  Emil:in對說fo@foravo.com mar化車keting@foravo.com

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