企業介紹 Introductio討是n



Hainan Foravo  Agricultural T志分echnology Co., Ltd. i海窗s a comprehensive high-tech agr吧用icultural development enterpr音還ise , dedicated to building the la時相rgest and most pow女這erful avocado planta南麗tion enterprise in China.  嗎煙;Relying on the advantage of  們著avocado nursery, plant遠煙ing history, and t船司he industrial chain over 10學那0 years  in the United States, 線低South Africa, Australia, we場從 are carrying out nursery, plantin少但g, processing and ot化算her industries. In combin費計ation with the Chin是什ese market, the company 音明has launched a large-scale and 去務standardized service for the whole i生到ndustry chain of avocados for the nurs年笑ery bases, planting farms,討校 cooperative processing and othe體我r enterprises.


Phone:400-6159918  E事山mil:info@foravo.com marketing@forav錢醫o.com

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